
Healthy Brain Project   (PI: C. Rosano) Goal: identify brain networks and risk factors important for maintaining mobility. 327 older adults living in the community, participants of the Health ABC study since 1996, had 1 MRI in 2006-07.They are being followed yearly through 2011. MRIs: include DTI, MTI, Resting State, MPRAGE and FLAIR. 


Healthy Brain Project 2 (PIs: C. Rosano, H.J. Aizenstein)

             Goal: identify markers of resilience to aging and protective factors. Approx 250 HBP survivors, receive              2nd MRI in 2010-11 and will be followed through 2014. MRI include fMRI tasks and arterial spin labeling in              addition to the Healthy Brain Project MRI sequences.


EDC & Brain (PI: C. Rosano)

             Goal: identify markers and risk factors for accelerated brain aging.  Approx. 200 middle aged T1D              patients who have participated to the EDC study since 1985, will receive MRI and NP tests in 2011. Patients              will be followed through 2014. MRI include new fMRI tasks in addition to the Healthy Brain Project-2 MRI              sequences. Data will be compared to MRI of older adults and of middle aged without diabetes.


GRACE(PI: C. Rosano)

             Goal: apply mathematical algorithms to identify brain networks related to mobility patterns. Secondary              analysis of  existing data. Collaboration with Departments of Math, BME, Computer Science, Biostatistics, and              the Simulation and Modeling (SAM) group.



HUGE Brain HUman GEnetics of the Brain  (PI: E. Sibille)

              Goal: identify genes important for preserving cognition, mood and mobility. Secondary analysis of     existing data from CHS and Health ABC.


Brain & Balance (PI: P.Sparto)

             Goal: identify brain networks important for balance control.          

              Approximately 100 older adults are being recruited.

Descriptive Studies

Intervention Studies

LIFE-7MRI. (PI: C. Rosano)

             Goal: can the brain modify the response to physical activity in sedentary old adults?

             75 participants of the RCT LIFE-MAIN, (PIs: Pahor/Newman/Studenski) receive a 7Tesla MRI and will be              followed for 2    years.


Dance Dance Revolution. (PIs: C. Rosano and K. Erickson):

             Goal: can a 3 months dance program improve brain function and structure?

             70 post-menopausal    women participating in the DDR  study (PI: Studenski)

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